The Whole Family | Beginner Vocabulary

cover the whole family vocabulary in English learn online free

Learn how to describe the whole family in English

Families are all about relationships. One person can be a father, son, husband and a brother.

Most family words are defined by gender. To describe gender, we use these two terms:
Male: ♂️ Female: ♀️

15 terms to describe family members

Use these flashcards to learn the meaning of the terms for this unit. You can also practice the pronunciation by listening to the audio on each card.

Practice Exercises for Family Vocabulary

Exercise 1 – Play this word search game to practice family vocabulary

Exercise 2 – Speaking Exercise

To do this activity, you must use the Google Chrome web browser. You also must give permission to use your microphone.

Exercise 3 – Practice the Family Vocabulary Terms

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

To do this activity, you must use the Google Chrome web browser. You also must give permission to use your microphone.

Exercise 3

Family Vocabulary Quiz

Full list of Family Vocabulary Terms

familya group of people related to each other
wife♀️ a married female
son♂️ a male child (in relation to his parents)
sister♀️ a female child in relation to other children from the same parents (Opposite: brother)
parenta father or mother (no gender)
mother♀️ a female with children
frienda person you like but not in your family
marriedhaving a wife or husband, not single
singlehaving no wife or husband, not married
father♂️ a male with children
husband♂️ a married male
daughter♀️ a female child (in relation to her parents)
brother♂️ a male child in relation to other children from the same parents (Opposite: sister)
female♀️ a gender
male♂️ a gender