Colors & Describing People | Beginner Vocabulary

colors and descriptors cover english lesson

Learn colors and more descriptive words in English

This topic is about describing people and color vocabulary. Colors are adjectives. They describe nouns (people, places, or things). For example: The book is red. You will also learn more words to describe people.

Learn 14 words to describe colors

Use these flashcards to learn the meaning of the terms for this unit. You can also practice the pronunciation by listening to the audio on each card.

Practice Exercises for Colors and Descriptors Vocabulary

Exercise 1 – Play this word search game to practice colors.

Exercise 2 – Memory Game for Colors

Match the words to the pictures. Sound on (🔉) if you want to hear the pronunciation of the vocabulary terms.

Exercise 3 – Speaking Exercise

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Learn 18 terms to describe people.

Use these flashcards to learn the meaning of the terms for this unit. You can also practice the pronunciation by listening to the audio on each card.

Practice Exercises for Colors and Descriptors Vocabulary

Exercise 1 – Play this game to practice describing people

Exercise 2 – Remember the vocabulary with this crossword

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Vocabulary Quiz

Let us review the vocabulary terms to describe colors and people.

black⬛ – a color
blue🟦 – a color
brown🟫 – a color
colorsmore than one color
dark (color)not light in color, almost black
graya color, like an elephant 🐘
green🟩 – a color
light (color)not dark in color, almost white
orange🟧 – a color
pinka color, like a flower 🌸
purple🟪 – a color
red🟥 – a color
white⬜ – a color
yellow🟨 – a color
adulta person who is fully grown (not a child)
baby👶 a very young child
beautifulvery attractive
bigsize: not small
boy👦 male child
fatsize: having a full, rounded form
girl👧 female child
haira thin threadlike growth from the skin of a person or animal
longsize: length of something
man♂️ male adult
old👵 age: having lived for many years
shortsize: not tall/long
smallsize: little, not big
tallsize: greater in height than the average person, not short
thinsize: not fat
woman♀️ female adult
young🌱 age: in a stage of life, not old