Technology (Part 2) | Intermediate Vocabulary

technology part 2 intermediate vocabulary lesson cover

More Vocabulary about Technology

In this topic, you will learn more vocabulary related to technology.

Learn 13 more words to describe technology

Use these flashcards to learn the meaning of the terms for this unit. You can also practice the pronunciation by listening to the audio on each card.

Practice Exercises for Technology Vocabulary

Exercise 1 – Play this memory game to practice the vocabulary

Match the words to the pictures. Sound on (🔊) if you want to hear the pronunciation of the vocabulary terms

Exercise 2 – Practice using the vocabulary in context

Exercise 3 – Speaking activity

Exercise 1

Match the words to the pictures. Sound on (🔊) if you want to hear the pronunciation of the vocabulary terms

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

To do this activity, you must use the Google Chrome web browser. You also must give permission to use your microphone.

Vocabulary Quiz

Let us review the vocabulary terms to describe technology.

TermPart of speechDefinition
message boardnouna place on the internet where users can write to each other
out of ordernoun phrasenot currently working or functional
plugnouna part at the end of a wire or cable that is used to connect machines or devices
powernounthe electricity or source of energy that people use
remote controlnoun a small device that is used to operate electronic equipment from a distance
servernouna physical location where virtual files are stored
social networkingnounthe activity of creating personal and business relationships with other people on the internet
switchnouna small device that starts or stops the flow of electricity
technologynouna machine, piece of equipment, method, etc., that is advances and changes
virusnouna program that is designed to harm a computer
volumenounthe amount of sound that is produced by a television, radio, stereo, etc.
webcamnouna small video camera that is used to show live images on a Web site