Business Growth | Intermediate Vocabulary

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Describing Business Growth in English

In this topic, you will learn more vocabulary related to business growth.

Learn 13 words to describe business growth

Use these flashcards to learn the meaning of the terms for this unit. You can also practice the pronunciation by listening to the audio on each card.

Practice Exercises for Business Growth Vocabulary

Exercise 1 – Play this game to practice the vocabulary

Exercise 2 – Practice using the vocabulary in context

Exercise 3 – Speaking activity

To do this activity, you must use the Google Chrome web browser. You also must give permission to use your microphone.

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

To do this activity, you must use the Google Chrome web browser. You also must give permission to use your microphone.

Vocabulary Quiz

Let’s review the vocabulary terms from this lesson.

TermPart of speechDefinition
brandnouna category of products that are all made by a particular company
break evenverbnot make a profit or a loss
contractnouna written legal agreement
foundverbstart an organization
gainverbobtain something
gap in the marketnounan opportunity to create a new product, which has not been produced by other companies
growthnounthe process of increasing in size or number
keyadjvery important
limitedadjnot high or great in number, amount, etc.
reputationnounthe opinion that people have about something (good or bad)
strugglenouna period of action to achieve something difficult
surviveverbto continue to exist
take oververbtake control of another company