Crime | Intermediate Vocabulary

crime vocabulary lesson in English cover

Talking about Crime in English

These fourteen words represent some of the many facets of crime, of which cannot be taught all at once. If you’re curious to learn more English vocabulary about crime or law and order, try reading novels in English about mysteries or crime.

You may notice throughout this lesson that some words are very similar, such as ‘rob’ and ‘burglary’, so take care in understanding the subtle differences between the vocabulary terms.

Learn 14 words to describe crime

Use these flashcards to learn the meaning of the terms for this unit. You can also practice the pronunciation by listening to the audio on each card.

Practice Exercises for Crime Vocabulary

Exercise 1 – Play this memory game to practice the vocabulary

Match the words to the pictures. Sound on (🔊) if you want to hear the pronunciation of the vocabulary terms

Exercise 2 – Practice using the vocabulary in context

Exercise 3 – Speaking activity

To do this activity, you must use the Google Chrome web browser. You also must give permission to use your microphone.

Exercise 1

Match the words to the pictures. Sound on (🔊) if you want to hear the pronunciation of the vocabulary terms

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

To do this activity, you must use the Google Chrome web browser. You also must give permission to use your microphone.

Vocabulary Quiz

Let us review the vocabulary terms to describe crime.

TermPart of SpeechDefinition
arrestverbto use the power of the law to take and keep (someone, such as a criminal)
burglarynounthe act of illegally entering a building in order to steal things
commitverb to do (something that is illegal or harmful)
courtnouna formal legal meeting in which evidence about crimes, disagreements, etc., is presented to a judge and often a jury so that decisions can be made according to the law
detectivenouna police officer whose job is to find information about crimes that have occurred and to catch criminals
evidencenoun something which shows that something else exists or is true
illegaladjnot allowed by the law
innocentadjnot guilty of a crime or other wrong act
lawyernouna person whose job is to guide and assist people in matters relating to the law
robverb to take money or property from (a person or a place) illegally and sometimes by using force, violence, or threats
solveverbto find a way to deal with and end (a problem)
suspectverbto think that (someone) is possibly guilty of a crime or of doing something wrong
suspectnounthe person who is believed to be responsible for a crime
truthnounthe real facts about something
witnessnouna person who sees something (such as a crime) happen