More Household Items (Part 2) | Elementary Vocabulary

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Describing more household items in English

Household items are physical objects that are commonly found in a typical household and are used for daily domestic activities such as cleaning, cooking, storage, decoration, and personal hygiene. Examples of household items include furniture, appliances, kitchenware, bedding, towels, cleaning tools, toiletries, and home decor. These items are essential for maintaining a comfortable and functional living space.

Learn 13 words to describe more things in a house

Use these flashcards to learn the meaning of the terms for this unit. You can also practice the pronunciation by listening to the audio on each card.

Practice Exercises for Household Items Vocabulary

Exercise 1 – Play this word search game to review the vocabulary

Exercise 2 – Practice using the vocabulary in context

Exercise 3 – Speaking activity

To do this activity, you must use the Google Chrome web browser. You also must give permission to use your microphone.

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

To do this activity, you must use the Google Chrome web browser. You also must give permission to use your microphone.

Vocabulary Quiz

Let us review the vocabulary about house and home

TermPart of speechDefinition
hallnouna usually long, narrow passage inside a building
heatingnouna system that is used to provide warmth to a room or building
lampnouna device that produces light
mirrornouna piece of glass that reflects images
pillownouna bag filled with soft material that is used as a cushion
roofnounthe cover or top of a building, vehicle, etc.
shelfnouna flat board which is attached to a wall, frame, etc., and on which objects can be placed
sinknouna wide bowl that has a faucet for water
sofanouna long and comfortable piece of furniture on which a person can sit or lie down
stairsnouna series of steps that go from one level or floor to another
towelnouna piece of cloth used for drying things
upstairsnounon or to a higher floor of a building
washing machinenouna machine used for washing clothes