How Keeping a Voice Diary Improves English Speaking Skills

How Keeping a Voice Diary Improves English Speaking Skills

What if I told you there’s an app hidden in your phone’s App Library that can help you improve your English speaking skills? I mean, maybe you use this app quite often, but I know I didn’t even realize I had it installed in my phone until recently. I’m talking about the Voice Memos (iPhone)…

15 Collocations with “Get”, Plus 7 Different Meanings in English

15 Collocations with “Get”, Plus 7 Different Meanings in English

Try looking up the translation of the word get to your native language in the dictionary. In Portuguese, for instance, there are 17 different translations. In French, there are 15 words that could be translated to get. On the one hand, we can say that having a word that means so many different things is very handy. However, for…

20+ Ways to Give Advice in English with Modal Verbs
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20+ Ways to Give Advice in English with Modal Verbs

 There’s always somebody in a group of friends that is known for giving good advice. You know the type…a person who doesn’t mind listening to others and always knows exactly what to say. Are you that person in your group of friends? If you are, this article is perfect because it teaches you more…

Are You Healthy? Learn 15 English Idioms and Vocabulary about Healthy Lifestyles

Are You Healthy? Learn 15 English Idioms and Vocabulary about Healthy Lifestyles

Do you consider yourself someone who follows a healthy lifestyle?  But wait a second… What does a person need to do in order to be considered healthy? Is it all about eating fruits and vegetables? Is a healthy person someone who exercises everyday? Or are we talking about leading a stress-free life? We will take a…

The Ultimate Guide to English Vegetable Vocabulary (with Flashcards)

The Ultimate Guide to English Vegetable Vocabulary (with Flashcards)

Knowing the names of vegetables in English may come in handy in various situations. You will be able to read a menu at a restaurant and know exactly what you are ordering, you can follow a recipe from an English cooking show that you like, or you can ask for a particular vegetable whenever you…

Many, Much, or A Lot? Learn These English Quantifiers So You Never Confuse Them Again!

Many, Much, or A Lot? Learn These English Quantifiers So You Never Confuse Them Again!

We ask questions every day. Some questions may be related to weather, some may be about somebody’s family, and some are related to quantity. Whenever we talk about amounts, we will use what we call quantifiers. There are several quantifiers we can use, such as some, any, no, a few, a little….today we will go…

Go Bananas with this Ultra-guide to Fruit Vocabulary in English

Go Bananas with this Ultra-guide to Fruit Vocabulary in English

Having a good diet can improve your quality of life. To eat healthily, your doctor may tell you what, to be honest, we all know: you must add fruits and vegetables to your meal plan. Some people love them, some people hate them. But no one can deny that they are an important source of…

How Writing a Diary Will Transform Your English Skills
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How Writing a Diary Will Transform Your English Skills

Did you keep a diary or journal? We do! Not only is it great for recording memories, but it will completely transform your English skills. Read a few entries from our friend Julia’s journal. Julia has been journaling for almost one year now and she tells you all the reasons why she believes journaling can…

Geography 101 in English: Learn the Names of Countries, Nationalities and Languages

Geography 101 in English: Learn the Names of Countries, Nationalities and Languages

Think of this article as a World Geography 101 class in English. You will learn how to say the names of the continents in English, how to ask and answer questions about your nationality, plus, we will go over the use of the article ‘the’ before the names of the countries. There is even a…

Turkey Talk: Learn the Vocabulary for Thanksgiving Food and Traditions

Turkey Talk: Learn the Vocabulary for Thanksgiving Food and Traditions

What will you be doing next Thursday, November 26th? For some, it may be just another Thursday. But for Americans, it’s Thanksgiving. This means they will be having dinner with friends or family and they will be eating roast turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie (among many other dishes, because Thanksgiving Day is all about the…