Extra Practice – Introductions and Greetings

Communication Exercises

Practicing introducing yourself and getting to know people with these activities from the lesson.

In this activity, practice using different phrases to introduce yourself. Decide if you should use formal or informal introductions.

In this activity, read the different parts of a conversation with Natalie, Penny, and Leo. Then put the conversation in order.

Read a conversation between two new roommates who are moving into a dorm. Complete the sentences with the missing words.

Grammar Review

These lessons review some of the grammar that you practiced in the lesson about introductions and greetings. They also include a final quiz where you can check your understanding of the topic.

Write yes or no questions in the present tense.

Complete the present tense information questions with the missing word.

Write information questions in the present tense.

Listen to present tense yes/no questions and write what you hear.

Complete the yes or no questions with the missing words.

Listen to present tense information questions and write what you hear.

Related Videos

Watch these videos to see how people introduce themselves and others.

Meeting people at work


Mit dem Laden des Videos stimmen Sie der Ãœbermittlung Ihrer Daten an YouTube zu.
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Interesting introductions


Mit dem Laden des Videos stimmen Sie der Ãœbermittlung Ihrer Daten an YouTube zu.
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What interesting information can you say about yourself in an introduction? What is your “finger-painting”?

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