15 Collocations with “Get”, Plus 7 Different Meanings in English

15 Collocations with “Get”, Plus 7 Different Meanings in English

Try looking up the translation of the word get to your native language in the dictionary. In Portuguese, for instance, there are 17 different translations. In French, there are 15 words that could be translated to get. On the one hand, we can say that having a word that means so many different things is very handy. However, for…

20+ Ways to Give Advice in English with Modal Verbs
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20+ Ways to Give Advice in English with Modal Verbs

 There’s always somebody in a group of friends that is known for giving good advice. You know the type…a person who doesn’t mind listening to others and always knows exactly what to say. Are you that person in your group of friends? If you are, this article is perfect because it teaches you more…

55+ phrases to talk about your daily routine in English
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55+ phrases to talk about your daily routine in English

Some people love routines, but others hate the idea of doing the same things every single day. Can you talk about your daily routine in English? It’s really important that you can communicate about this using different verb tenses, especially present simple. This article teaches you how to use English phrases and verbs that help…

Make or Do? 7 Tips to Learn the Differences Between These Verbs

Make or Do? 7 Tips to Learn the Differences Between These Verbs

How many times have you found yourself wondering if you should use do or make in a sentence? It’s not an uncommon question, so that’s why we’re tackling this issue in this article. Let’s learn how to use the English do and make verbs and also explain the difference between them. You’ll also find a list…

Can, Could, and Past Ability Grammar: English Exercises

Can, Could, and Past Ability Grammar: English Exercises

Learn English grammar about ability using can, could and other phrases with the games, activities and exercises on this page. This is perfect for pre-intermediate or intermediate English students. You can get started with these three useful ability English grammar exercises. Past ability in English grammar Most people think talking about ability in the past tense…