Movies and TV | Intermediate Vocabulary

Talking about Movies and Television in English

Movies and television involve so much more than just the people on screen. In this topic, learn about some of the terms used to talk about production of television and movies.

Learn 17 words to describe movies and TV

Use these flashcards to learn the meaning of the terms for this unit. You can also practice the pronunciation by listening to the audio on each card.

Practice Exercises for Movies and TV Vocabulary

Exercise 1 – Play this memory game to practice the vocabulary

Match the words to the pictures. Sound on (🔊) if you want to hear the pronunciation of the vocabulary terms

Exercise 2 – Practice using the vocabulary in context

Exercise 3 – Speaking activity

To do this activity, you must use the Google Chrome web browser. You also must give permission to use your microphone.

Exercise 1

Match the words to the pictures. Sound on (🔊) if you want to hear the pronunciation of the vocabulary terms

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

To do this activity, you must use the Google Chrome web browser. You also must give permission to use your microphone.

Vocabulary Quiz

Let us review the vocabulary terms to describe movies and TV.

TermPart of speechDefinition
actverbto perform the words and actions of a character in a play, movie, etc. : to perform as an actor
animatedadjproduced by the creation of a series of drawings, pictures, etc., that are shown quickly one after another
appear in/at/on, etc.verb to work as an actor or performer in a movie, on the radio, etc.
audiencenoun the people who watch, read, or listen to something
characternoun a person who appears in a story, book, play, movie, or television show
comedynouna play, movie, television program, novel, etc., that is meant to make people laugh
documentarynoun a movie or television program that tells the facts about actual people and events
dramanouna play, movie, television show, or radio show that is about a serious subject and is not meant to make the audience laugh
entertainmentnounmusement or pleasure that comes from watching a performer, playing a game, etc.
filmverbto make a movie of (something) : to photograph (an event, scene, etc.) with a movie or video camera
romanticadjof, relating to, or involving love between two people
scenenouna part of a play, movie, story, etc., in which a particular action or activity occurs
setverb to cause the action of (a film, story, etc.) to happen in a certain place or during a certain time — often used as (be) set
soap operanouna television or radio program that has continuing stories about the daily lives and problems of a group of people
talk shownoun a radio or television program in which usually well-known people talk about something or are interviewed
the newsnouna television news program
thrillernouna novel, movie, etc., that is very exciting : a story full of exciting action, mystery, adventure, or suspense